Sunday, 5 April 2015

Day 4 27 March At sea enroute to Albany

Sorry no internet as its so slow it's not funny. We will have to update later.

We are underway!! The first highlight was a talk about the history of Albany by Major-General Michael O’Brien.
The second highlight was the support meeting for the tablet (or Travel Companion) sold to the cruise clients.  People were still unboxing them as an angry crowd gathered.  They attempted to talk to people in the open out on the deck where they were doing sound checks and drums playing.  Ever used your tablet out in the open in the sun?  How easy is that?  No idea.
The next highlight was coming into the wonderful King George Sound and the Princess Royal Harbour many locals came out to see the ship come in.
The fourth highlight was the concert and the fact that Bert Newton was alive at the end. It was a wonderful concert and certainly Kate Cebrano and Darryl Braithwaite can sing!   The fireworks display was pretty good.  It was a great evening, the free drinks helped.

The locals would have had a free concert and free fireworks so it was a big deal for them that we were in town.

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