Saturday 10 June 2017

Day 14 Wednesday 7 June 2017

Today we met our new bus driver Jerry from Texas and our new bus which does have a lot more leg room. Off we went to the Canyonlands National Park.  There we visited Island in the Sky, Grande View and the Dead Horse Canyon Point Overlook.  The blue ponds are the result of pumping water underground to push up potassium chloride.  It then is in evaporation ponds to form potash which is used in fertilizer. Here it is a state park rather than a national park as commercial activity is permitted.  

From here we can see the Colorado River which will flow through the Grand Canyon. We also travelled near where they filmed Thelma and Louise.  

On our return the bus dropped 6 of us off at a fossil place which was amazing in range and price. Luckily it was only a 15 minute walk back to the hotel.

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