Sunday 11 June 2017

Day 15 Thursday 8 June 2017

We crossed the state line into Arizona while we watched the John Wayne film The Searchers to get us in the mood to arrive in Monument Valley.  The scenery was really quite spectacular and was much greener than the landscape we experienced further north.

Can you find the cowboy on the horse?

We took an open jeep ride to visit for some photos and have a Navaho experience.  We almost lost our hats as Tony or as I call him “Indy” Tony travelling 80 km/hr in an open jeep. They took us into one of their buildings, called a hogan and surprisingly we fitted about 40 people inside. It was cool inside (until all 40 of us jammed in).  Certainly a clever construction that used no nails and even the hole in the roof is not a problem if it rained or snowed. They told us about their handicrafts. They took us to a cave which is called the Great Hogan the Native Americans played a variety of musical instruments for us and it was quite beautiful.  On the way back, a couple of young lads on horses were racing along in front of our four vehicles. One of the horses hit deep sand and fell off with the young Navaho lad as well, his pride seemed to be the biggest thing that was hurt especially as one of our group asked him if he fell off his horse for all the tourist groups.

Note the hole in the top of the cave, this one is called the Great Hogan and this is where they played the music..

I don’t know if it is traditional Navaho food but our lunch was an enormous fried taco with sweet tea.

On arriving into the town of Page, we booked an extra trip to take us to The Waterholes Slot Canyon, which is on Navaho Reservation land. We had another jeep ride to get there which was fun and a bit of an adrenalin rush.  The photos were wonderful. The water rushes through after flooding rain which smooths the rock into these beautiful shapes.  There was a log jammed some metres above us showing how high the flash flood have been. It was very cool inside this very narrow, water-worn canyon.  At one stage the wind was blowing and sand was falling on us, it wasn’t much though.  It was a worthwhile experience.

We then went to Horseshoe Bend, this part was on the Navaho reservation and we didn’t have the long walk that the tourists had.  Elizabeth went quite close to the edge but I was very reluctant to do so.

Unfortunately the clouds prevented a perfect sunset but the weather has been fantastic up to this point.  Consequently, a late evening meal, Elizabeth had polenta cakes and I had a giant rib steak.

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