Sunday 10 May 2015

Day 38 Thursday 1 May 2015 Rome

Today was a public holiday in Rome, which made sense as we saw a lot of the public out today.  We started by visiting the Coliseum which was quite impressive.  We walked through the Roman Forum and saw Trajan’s column (La Grand Tour “Trajan’s Tower”) which I initially had forgotten about in Rome so it was great to see it. We also saw the Italian Parliament building  celebrati

ng Victor Emanuel and across the street was Mussolini’s apartment (pictured above but the lowest one is the Parliament building) and balcony where he would deliver his speeches.  In the afternoon we had free time so we went walking and found Augustus’ Mausoleum Museum, which was closed. We found the famous Spanish Steps, which apart from the impressive number of people who were there and the lovey flowers… we couldn’t see what the attraction was. I don’t know what boring is in Italian perhaps its La Bohme.  Where negotiated our way back along the Tiber and took some photos of nice bridges like Ponte Sant’ Angelo where young people would propose and the castle, Castel Sant’ Angelo where the Pope would hide if danger or Readers’ Digest would come round.

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